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How to deal with Pet Emergencies
in Newport, OR

We recommend reaching out to Willamette Veterinary Clinic (24-HOUR EMERGENCY CLINIC, Corvallis).

How to deal with Pet Emergencies
in Newport, OR

We recommend reaching out to Willamette Veterinary Clinic (24-HOUR EMERGENCY CLINIC, Corvallis)

Willamette Veterinary Clinic in Corvallis is a veterinary care facility that offers 24-hour emergency services and care. This veterinary group is located in Corvallis, approximately 45 miles east of Newport.

If you are having an after-hours emergency with your pet:

1) Stay calm – our pets sense our nervousness.

2) Call ahead to the emergency hospital (WilVet in Corvallis) and let them know what is happening and see what they advise.

3) Take your important documents folder and medical history papers if you have them with you.

4) Be careful moving an injured or sick companion – they may react or nip because they are scared or painful.

5) Bring your ID (Drivers License) and payment method (cash, check, or credit card) Most emergency hospitals do not have payment plans or delayed billing. However, they typically accept Care Credit Payment Plans.

6) If your pet has ingested a toxin, pesticide, human medication, or prescription bring all packaging and labels with you.

7) Gather all the records and diagnostic results from the ER to bring with you for follow-up care. Typically WilVet will email medical records, x-rays, and lab tests to us if you let them know that we are your primary veterinarian.

8) Please contact us to let us know that you and your pet went to the ER so that we can offer continued care and help address any ongoing treatment concerns.